Pollinator Petal Patch - Hudson Valley Seed Co

  • $4.85

Provide refuge for pollinators!

Why do flowers come in so many colors? One theory is that the colors attract pollinators. But insects, including solitary bees, honey bees, butterflies, wasps, and flies, don't see color the same way we do. Their compound eyes can detect most of the colors we can't but they also see UV light, invisible to humans. To their eyes, every beautiful bloom is a veritable bullseye, a combination of visible and UV light patterns that guide them toward sustaining nectar, thus continuing the cycle of life.

Includes New England Aster, Plains Coreopsis, Penstemon, Indian Blanket, Evening Primrose, Wild Bergamot, Milkweed, and Ohio Spiderwort.

500 seeds sow a 3'x10' garden plot.

Growing Instructions: For the best mix, direct sow in fall. Can also be direct sown in early spring around last frost date. Broadcast evenly into a well-prepared, weed-free bed. Packet covers an area of approximately 30' square in size. Rake in lightly, and keep watered until germination. When seedlings set true leaves, thin to about 12-18" apart. This mix contains a combination of perennials and self-sowing annuals. Some varieties will bloom now; the full mix will appear in the second year.

Days to Germination 5-25 days
Days to Maturity 75-365 days
Planting Depth 0-¼"
Spacing in Row 12"
Spacing Between Rows 18"
Height at Maturity 10-24"
Width at Maturity 12"
Sun Preference Full Sun

the buzz from our customers

our mission

My beekeeping journey began over 12 years ago with my oldest daughter begging for a dog, which led us to getting baby chickens instead,  then honey bees were added to our urban backyard farm and the rest is history.  

We're urban NYC beekeepers with a mission to help save the bees and other pollinators. Bees have been declining at an alarming rate which can impact the global food supply as bees are essential in pollination.  

Our honey is pure and raw and sourced from either our own local hives or small apiaries, like us, from around the country.  We believe in sustainable beekeeping, supporting small local beekeepers who in turn work with small local family farms to help pollinate their crops and bring you real, delicious honey.


Ruth (Queen Bee)

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